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Art of people with pets on blue background

Each human being is unique, but one’s quest for self isn’t. For individuals and organizations, identifying archetypes can bring great success and fulfillment.

More than man’s best friend

dandelion in wind

When the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2021, what should we actually expect? Drake Spaeth, Psy.D., offers insight into the traditions surrounding new beginnings.

A matter of perspective

changing image of women meditating

Luann Fortune, Ph.D., offers different types of meditation and tips on how to begin meditating to improve your mental health.

The power of meditation


Crime culture is inextricable from popular culture. Why are we so interested in these villains, and should we be?

Humanizing Villains


Each human being is unique, but one’s quest for self isn’t. For individuals and organizations, identifying archetypes can bring great success and fulfillment.

Archetypes and their applications


CBD has grown from a wellness trend to an industry powerhouse, but does its hype exceed the benefits?

CBD: What Can’t It Cure?


Balancing mindfulness, self-care, and healthy eating without going overboard can be tricky. Here are some tips to help.

Ease Stress by Getting Curious

My Journey Into Mindfulness

President Nathan Long reflects on how mindfulness practices have changed his life for the better since joining Saybrook.

My Journey Into Mindfulness

Can youth learn humanitarianism early?

Saybrook alumna uses technology and humanitarianism to introduce “consciousness hacking” to youth.

Cyberhero League combats the bystander effect

Avoid making healthy shopping into unhealthy behavior

Balancing mindfulness, self-care, and healthy eating without going overboard can be tricky. Here are some tips to help.

Winning the nutritional food fight